Network Marketing is not PERFECT, but it is a BETTER way. Some people call it REFERRAL BUSINESS, Some call it MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING, Some call it WORD OF MOUTH ADVERTISEMENT and it is also referred to as DIRECT SELLING BUSINESS, it all depends on which one suit your personality. All the above names are right and correct in whatever Context your Discussion and Focus may be.
Network Marketing:
1. Is not a _Get Rich Quick Scheme
2. Is not same as Ponzi Scheme.
3. Is not same as Pyramid Scheme.
4. Does not operate as the traditional business model.
It is a business that involves LEVERAGE of Hard Work and Smart Work. Every Network Marketing Company MUST have a Product or Service it offers to solve a problem for a customer in exchange for money. I always counsel folks to run for their lives, whenever any business opportunity is presented to them without product or service that can provide solutions to problems.
In my opinion, everybody can do Network Marketing business as long as you can communicate. Why did I say so?
1. If you ever told someone about the tailor that made your dress that was network marketing. Your tailor ended having another customer without paying you a dime.
2. If you ever told your friend about the network providers between MTN, GLO, AIRTEL, 9MOBILE etc as network your enjoy best and your friend ended switching, that was network marketing that earned you nothing.
3. If you ever recommended your saloon where you cut your hair or dress your hair, that was network marketing.
4. If you ever recommended a shop, boutique, mall, fashion hub, eatery etc to your friend, that was network marketing.
5. If you ever recommended your mechanic to someone, that was network marketing.
6. If for any reason, you ever recommended anything to someone or friend, that you used and still use, that is network marketing.
7. If you have ever invited someone to your "Church" or "Mosque" place of worship or to an event, that was network marketing.
From all these examples/instances, you will agree with me that, everyone does network marketing either directly or indirectly, either consciously or unconsciously. I'm always surprise whenever I see folks turn down network marketing opportunities that could change their financial status, without any tangible reason, even when they are struggling with their finances.
We all network, the only difference is, the ability to learn and become a professional. You can only be a professional be learning before you earn good residual income. Network Marketing is not Perfect, but, it is a better way.
To be continue...
For more personal development's, educative and informative posts and trainings, keep reading as I post.
I am Maurice Chike,
FBI Business Coach.
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